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Old 05-06-12, 07:07 AM   #205
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Originally Posted by BigBANGtheory View Post
Ubisoft need to make some effort to repair the damage they caused, their reputation is appauling I'd suggest you broach the subject with the wider company and ask them what they can do.
I told you, we are not Ubisoft and we have no communication with the former developer studio. And as a developer you don't ask a publisher for anything. They give you a project, you do the project. You have no influence whatsoever beyond that.

If they refuse to enagage with their customer base there are two things the new dev studio could attempt:
No there is nothing at all that we could do. It is their property. They can do with it whatever they like.

1. Get access to the SH5 code under license and basically patch whatever features (within reason) TDW tells you to address.
So you want us to get Ubisoft to get us access to a source code written by a totally different studio without any knowledge about their code base and then patch the thing for free.... honestly what world are you living in?

2. You have opinions of the crap Ubisoft pulled... air them publically.
Yeah, right. We all might have personal opinions, but they are just that, personal. If we voice them individually as something official, we get fired, and rightly so. You don't go ahead and publicly denounce a business partner. And you also don't do that as a company if you plan to make business with ANYBODY ever again.

Now if Ubisoft wanted to truely change thier fortunes, reverse peoples perception, opinions and make news headlines around world (and in doing so promote SH:Online and gain some revenue).... release the source code for SH5 for non-commercial use or even under license to a few modders. Zero cost to Ubisoft, very little risk to their business, everything to gain particularly as they have other product lines.
Easy solution: if you don't like Ubisoft, don't buy their games. They have no obligation to you to do anything. If you buy their stuff you seem to be happy enough with it to spend money. if you don't buy their stuff there is nothing to complain about.

Seriously people, get real here.
You can be unhappy with Ubisoft all you want. Solution: Don't buy their products. But it is ridiculous to ask a developer studio that had nothing to do with anything concerning Silent Hunter in the past to go and publicly attack Ubisoft or magically fix problems caused by a developer studio that they don't even know.

The new studio got the contract to develop a new Silent Hunter game on a free to play basis. That's what these guys did, and they tried their best to make it in a way that the community will like it. the contract was to make a free to play game, not a desktop game. And there is nothing the studio can do about that. You get told what to do and you try your best to make that concept as fun as possible.

Seriously I don't see your problem here honestly. The game is free to play. The designers made sure that all the pay-to-play moments are convenience only, you don't need to pay anything to play the game successfully, you just spend more time on certain tasks.

So what is the big cry here all about. Yes, Ubisoft didn't do what you liked them to do most.. fine. But that is no reason to call this game crap before you've even seen it. Our studio is not responsible for Ubisoft business decision nor is our game bad just because you think Ubisoft sucks.

You get a game basically for free, some people will have to pay for stuff for it to be bring in money yes, but nobody is forcing anybody to do that. Also again, this is a different studio. The time and money put into this project is in no way whatsoever preventing the other studio from pushing our patches. So why the hatred towards this project before you even tried it?
Theres a lot of people working on this that had nothing to do with anything that you are complaining about here, and no matter how well founded your accusations might be towards Ubisoft, your downtalking this game is just unfair to the new team that had nothing to do with anything that happened in the past.

You have valid concerns, bring them up with Ubisoft. But don't punish a game and a studio for something that their publisher did in the past.
If you don't like this game once it is out you have three options:
- Don't play it... we're fine with that.
- Play it but don't pay for it. We're more than fine with that too.
- Play it and help the live team make it better. Really cool.

If you like it:
- Play it, love it, but don't pay for it. We're fine with that.
- Play it, and pay small amounts here and there. Thank you.
- Play it, love the crap out of it and sink your life insurance money into it. Thanks a lot, we hope you know what you're doing

No seriously... people should get back down to Earth on this one I think.
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