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Old 01-09-06, 12:52 AM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2005
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You can simply re-edit the tasking order just selecting your ship and going to the appropriate page. The copy-paste functions also work with the editor (CTRL-C and CTRL-V, if I remember right.)

There are multiple ways of making the radio updates work. The point is that you can send radio messages to OS from all the goals. One way I've used a lot is to make a single neutral ship far away from the action to trigger the goals. If you want the updates to take place in random times, you can make the neutral ship to have a random starting box.

You can download my missions from Bill's site; they are all open. For instance in the mission "The Northern Flank" there is a random neutral ship in the south; which (should it appear) will create a random new mission.

Constantem Decorat Honor
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