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Old 04-24-12, 02:02 PM   #3323
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Olamagato View Post
I tested the last few patrols with an extremely large extension of time to repair equipment (val1 = 300.0). Ship after hitting two bombs had almost all the devices can either damaged or not working. Hull strength dropped by half, but the ship managed to always be saved (seabed repairs on), and all devices possible to fix repaired about 2.5-3 days by my veteran crew (6 x repair). It turned out that the actual repair time may be much lower than the expected amount of time repair. This is because some equipment is repaired at the same time simultaneously, as well as the equipment is repaired where there is no damage control team (by the crew in compartments).

Your idea to instead exclude the possibility of a defective torpedo hits (-25m) to reduce the chance of hitting (-2..-4 m) is imo wrong. This is because h.sie made available the ability to determine the probability of defective torpedoes (hsie.ini). Faulty torpedo can never hit the target but you suggest that a defective torpedo hit may succeed. In addition, to quantify the chance to hit becomes impossible. Then one makes a second draw.

Perhaps better would be set to 0 m, to take effect the original game detonation mechanism of defective torpedoes because exactly what has happened with defective torpedoes - floated on the surface or shallow. And then exploded.

German torpedoes were pushed out of the tube by means of the piston. It was driven by compressed air, but from a different circuit than the one used to fill the ballast tanks. The air is returned back into circulation (it was not removed from the ship).

I am setting repairs to higher values also.Its great to feel danger when limping back to base with 13% hull,both periscopes destroyed and compressor not working.I screamed NOOOO when my watch spotted something since I couldn't risk diving below 20m and I was also running out of compressed air.It was a one of the small DD's and vicious with its side firing DC's.I then spent around 10 minutes circling an iceberg while trying to get the compressor back online.I have my enemies to be much more accurate and so I finally was caught out and they just ripped me to shreds.

Isn't it just one storage tank of CA and they open up lines to feed 600/225 etc pounds to the other systems while trying not to exceed their working pressure?I can see your point about a piston being used so that the compressed air is in a closed system...but I ask,are you sure?Look extrenally at torpedo launch and you see massive air expulsion.

Also,I am taking this idea from reading up on sub compressed air systems that state CA was used up by torpedo launches,maintaining depth with no speed,blowing the various extra tanks.I could be wrong though and I am open minded on this topic.Still would love to know if there was enough CA to blow ballast once.Maybe you needed 2/3 of the CA tank to blow ballast and the first 1/3 colored green was used to do duties as stated above.If you stayed below and say fired more torpedoes....maybe you got to the 1/3 red line and that was enough air to do normal surface routine??
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