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Old 03-26-12, 09:23 AM   #3778
Join Date: May 2005
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One minor niggle regarding this version...........

I think visual sensors (Watchstanders) are completely nerfed.

Consistently speaking, I find that sightings on the horizon, which are plain to see, are not being picked up and it always seems that escorts pick me up first. I'm talking about I can be sitting there, at ahead 1/3, minimal aspect, and the bad guys are charging and firing before my guys even spot them.

This happens across all sorts of conditions...........even on the blackest of moonless nights........

The ONLY exception seems to be when I'm decks-awash........all stop or 1/3rd....for instance, I got a radio report of a large convoy leaving Bungo Suido.....

I position myself for an intercept....picked up the lead escort on radar. Shut down the set........did a manual sweep or two to pick up the formation and vector and got to my ambush point.

I lined up facing them offeset from their line of advance by 3000 yards.....decks awash, all stop, sunrise and the sun is BEHIND me....

I could see, easily 8 silhouettes of merchants, the lead escort, stack smoke from all........

Not a PEEP out of the lookouts.

It's nerfed.
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