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Old 03-15-12, 05:22 PM   #2732
Posts: n/a

I was down to my Aft Torp when I was on my way back to rearm and I come across a convoy on my way back, so I thought i'd try my luck and take one out and get out of there. I spotted a tanker right smack in the middle of 'em so naturally I wanted to sink her due to her weighing more of course. So I carefully got in behind the convoy, started to get in position to fire my Aft Torp... Hoping to at least hit the side of the stern I lined up the shot and fired. This was the outcome, unfortunately I didn't take anymore screenshots of the convoy as I didn't think i'd be posting it here! In hopes that it would have made her gradually come to a halt so I could finish her off away from the rest of the convoy, she sped up ahead of the convoy... and boy was I pissed off lol. Still I was proud that I managed to position myself behind the convoy without being detected and managed to hit my target! (I'm still rather new to the game, so yeah )

Last edited by Flam3; 03-15-12 at 09:08 PM.
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