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Old 03-13-12, 04:57 PM   #9
Rear Admiral
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My guess is dark is around 18:00 hours, by then they will have past the deepest part you can attack, after that water is aboout 50-100 ft deep, so if you do a night surface and got caught or seen that's all you would have to dive in. Since I made this group since it will turn back N to NNE going through shallows and port about 40 NM's up.

I decided to attack hoping 300ft plus depth and medium seas would protect me. It's course has it comin through the more shallows, but I can remain in the deeper part and shoot at around 4000 yards.

I was decks awash, for reality decks awash my crew stays on deck, but somehow got spotted at 5nms, course I'm using TMO2.2 with the strong visuals, but I assume it was radar, 3 escort came fast, I dived and flanked east away then south to another postion away from where radar got me, got about 3000 yards away and went silent, they hunted near where I dived, but I was in about 230 ft deep water now and closer to the convoys track. I stay below the thermal layer until time to attack.

I make it to scope depth, 3 escorts behind me 2-3000 yards, TDC was still old setup, I start hearing soft pings.

Cam is above my sub looking aft at 3 behind me.

I could see escorts stern heading my way, it was hard to get speed, no time for 3 minute markings, the group was still 4000 yards or so away, hard stads, but best I could and guessed speed and shoot a wide spread of 5 at the liner, one at the tanker, you can barely see my last torp leaving, 5 are on the way, but an escort in hauling up my stern, I head flank deep as I can and hard port.

Liner is zigging, spread of 5 looks like it will miss, may have slown down.

But I get lucky, the last torp angled right in the spread hits, loaded with ammo he explodes and later sinks.

I evaded the first attack and was working my way back to deeper water, well 350 ft anyway, but 4 escorts boxed me in. Escorts with elite ratings are brutal hunters, the Matsu and Type AB throwing over 20 charges per run. What's amazing is how well they hunt, one will make a stern run, the other will come right in after from a flank, one will come in from the front.

The escorts attack.

The dreaded Matsu, 4 y guns and double roll offs.

I bet I counted over 140 charges, I evaded the best I could using flank and turns when they made runs, problem was they come in from every angle one after the other. I take minor damage, but finally one scores a good hit. Damage is now 65%, one compartment flooded, but I live for a bit. Seems I'm holding depth at about 200ft, I'm scared to go much deeper with that damage. I can only hold sub depth with some speed, but as battery damage is severe I start going down a lil, I think I only went 10ft deeper when my sub imploded, just as I was about to blow tanks to come up some and go into submerged yo yo tactics to control my out of control dive.

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