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Old 03-13-12, 04:46 AM   #21
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Did a small test with a TypVII-Boat and two destroyers at a distance of 16km and 24km. Before Rubins mod was installed, the far away being DD was detected within a few minutes at periscope depth at a range of 24.6km:

After installing Rubinis Mod, the following happened:

No detection at all at periscope depth. Diving to 17m, sonar guy discovered a contact at 14.2 km:

Rising back to P-depth led to contact lost:

Back to 17m, 2 contacts were discovered, the farer away at a range of 17.2km

Back to P-depth both contact lines were disappearing time after time because contact was lost:

At a second test i went to P-depth, no detecting, then to 17m, first contact was found at approx. 14km and at last going down to 30m. At 27m the second destroyer was discovered at a distance of 24.4km:

This is a wonderful mod an i love to see it working it although i used to go to 30m all the time when listening around. But now i know it has a benefit. Great. On the other hand, in shallow water, we have to be aware that hydrophon range is restricted to a range eventually shorter than sight! So sometimes our hydrophone is getting rather useless. Thank you very much, Rubini.
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