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Old 03-11-12, 12:52 PM   #808
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Originally Posted by Bothersome View Post
... It would cause a CTD every time I tried to return home (Kiel) or get close to some other harbors. This usually happens after a long patrol (Several weeks). I have tried going back several saves to try and get past it. But it eventually would crash every time once I got close enough for the computer to want to start loading graphics or something. CTD. I did some testing to make sure it was this mod doing it. Play the starting campaign, and play it like you would normally. A couple of days (weeks in game) and you'll be CTD too.

I'm thinking it's some object related thing. Something that was added since 1.6.7.
Bothersome, I'm not sure if this will help your specific problem, but I'm writing it just in case.

Over the last week, I experienced the same problem returning to Wilhelmshaven, and like you, right at a specific area. I tried coming in from different angles, speeds, TX, etc., to no avail.

I then realized I had done some mod soup juggling, so I played with that, but to no avail. I finally gave up, got my mods working the way I wanted them again, and then started a new campaign. At the very moment that I was about to leave port, I suddenly thought about the "no magic skills" mod and realized that I had added it before I started my last campaign, but for some reason, it was no longer there. At some point when i was juggling my mod soup, I disabled that mod and actually removed it from my MODs folder . So, everything looked fine while at sea, but as soon as I tried to return to base, CTD.

I disabled my mods, and then re-enabled them to include that mod in the proper order. I pulled a backup of the last save file from the previous campaign and .. BINGO .. I was able to return to base without any CTD, and am now continuing with that campaign again, wreaking havoc on the enemy . So far, so good.

You said you have a small list, so there is less to go wrong, but think hard and long if you did make a change to one of the files or left something out, specifically with one of those mods that needs to be enabled only in port and not at sea.

Since it'd be a shame not to be able to use OHII, if all else fails, the next thing is to maybe try starting a new OHII campaign with the way your mods are set now and then see what happens. It will obviously take time to get to the point you were at, but it may end up being fine .. that is unless you made some conflicting change somewhere along the way that only shows up later. If that's the case, reload your mods from their files, without any changes and .. lol .. try again.

Good luck!
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