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Old 02-29-12, 05:42 PM   #769
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Originally Posted by Trevally. View Post
Hi 7Infanterie19
This is a common problem. There is one late war hydro set that does give you this, but for the most part it is a bug.

If you use TDWs Mods - you can add the "No hydro on surface" add on to fix
I added it and it works as you said it would! .

I also found this TDW thread -, and tried this method of patching the v1.2 version of SH5.exe as well using his SH5 EXE Patcher - not the hex change - but that didn't work. I normally use the 4 GB patched exe, and I read that you have to patch to an unpatched exe, so I'd rather not use SH5 EXE Patcher in this case. I'll still keep sober's old realistic hydro operator mod active as well.

Trevally, the no hydro mod uses the uboatsensors.sim, which overwrites the other uboatsensors.sim files from FX and NewUI. I read that the no hydro should go after IRAI and before NewUI, but if I do that, then I still detect ships while surfaced, so I have to have it activated after the other ones in order for it to work. Does the game take data from each of the uboatsensors.sim files or only the last one activated? From what I see, it's the latter, and if that is the case, then I'll probably be losing out on the benefits of what is in the other uboatsensors.sim files, no?

Originally Posted by Trevally. View Post
I am the worlds worst at spelling I will fix this
That's why it's good to have friends
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