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Old 02-18-12, 03:15 PM   #330
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Originally Posted by DrJones View Post
But I had some issues:
- my Sony 26" TV monitor have a max resolution of 1360x768 (16x9) and I canīt see all things that are in Observ. Periscope above. When activating RFAOB I canīt deactivate it anymore. A max resolution issue (1360x768) - perhaps something out of my screen? SOLVED!

Just Wonder @Rubini, your tv has a resolution ab 1360x x768. IF you tell the game to go higher what happens?
Hi DrJones,

Thanks to look at this issue.
What was solved is the RAOBF on/off, not the problems with the resolution.

Some years ago I made one more intense mod work for SH3 - ported all the gui to widescreen for the first time. So, I worked a lot with menu entries on SH3. All WS porting to SH3 was stuck at exactly 1360x768 because was much more easy to work on: we only needed to adjust one dimension (1024==>1360, as the other remains the same (768).

That time i noticed an obviously thing: the gui textures/images arenīt exactly portable between resolutions (and this is your problem here). They have a fixed size. If you use a major resolution than the one were the gui was molded, no problem, just smaller images/smaller dials, etc. But if you use minor resolution (my case now in relation of your gui) all the gui will be accomodate on the screen...but slight one over the other like you saw on the picture. So - unless you use a much small resolution - nothing is lose, nothing is out, but one over the other.

After that work I learn that for GUI mod purposes is better to project your GUI using a lesser monitor resolution ( a reasonable, compromisse one), this way it will fit in almost any resolution and you will have less headhatch trying to solve unevitable usersīs problems...

The 1360x768 is the 720p in practice. At least try to make the GUI small on your 1080 (or major) monitor, this will guarantee that it will work in any resolution too. Obviously preserving the optical views for your taste, they can be adjusted later on players end for minor resolutions users; just put some instructions on a readme.

(Itīs a honour to talk with you, you are a very polite guy, this is what make this community a must. And excuse me by my english...itīs bad and i donīt know how to express my self correctly in english.)
One gamer's must-have mod is another gamer's waste of time.
-Sailor Steve
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