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Old 02-12-12, 10:49 AM   #3722
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Default Solved another problem and technical advise... :)

Hello to everybody,
I've experienced a problem with classes Gato, Gar, Balao and Tench in TMO: the hydrophone on the bridge (for types JP and JT) does not revolve.
I've checked and I noticed that this problem is not present in the stock game (1.5). It is present even in TMO alone (without other mods installed).
After some trials I've discovered that the problem is caused by the fact that, in the above mentioned subs, the nodes H01, H02, H03 and H04 are not in the correct sequence in the *.dat files (e.g. are in the order H03, H04, H01, H02).
After changing their order the hydrophone restarts to behave correctly.
As consequence I've have to warn that it seems that the order of the nodes in dat files is of extreme importance to allow upgrades to behave correctly.
So, please, order them correctly when you modify a dat file!

Hope this helps,
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