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Old 01-24-12, 01:52 PM   #3690
Navy Seal
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Some of your findings must be due to your play style more than anything else.
The planes for example it all depends on if you TC or not it is very possible that you dove but still got spotted by a plane but the DCs missed by a mile if you where TCing while you where under you would never even know.Also when you dive has an effect like on sight of SD radar or on sight of a spotter.Even if I dive pretty fast on a sighting via SD I would say about 1 in 6 planes will still see you on the way down or even at 150 ft plus or spot your wake and drop on you this is why I stay at ahead flank until at assigned depth when crash diving.Some players have been hit at depths of 200ft or more by planes.Personally I have never been hit or destroyed by an aircraft in TMO which I have been playing since 2008 I have had some close calls though other players get killed by aircraft regularly.Again this is probably due to play style or maybe I am just lucky I spend 90% of my time on the surface as well.

You might have one patrol where only a few mk.14s might dud then you will have a patrol where almost every flipping one fails also the date has an effect as well mid 43 up and you will not have so many duds.It says that some things where changed on the dud avoidance for mk14s so that they have more effect.The difficulty level seems about the same to me.
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