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Old 12-11-11, 07:34 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Its the same logic in the background. However, some said at eSim that they think the AI acts even better now, but I cannot comment this pro or contra.

What kind of scripts do you need, as an example? I would say you can do an awful lot with the editor of SBP. It has time variables, area- and unit-condition variables.

I know the editors from Flashpoint and Sub Commd as well. Compared to these, SBP is as potent (at least), but more comfortable to handle I would say.

You can already trigger actions of own force depending on actions by red force. If red units (specified or unspecified) enter defined area Y, then blue unit Z starts moving towards position Omega, for example.
The SB editor is certainly the best out there but it lacks scripting options. I tried to do a mission myself once but had to realize that it cannot be implemented the way i wanted it due to limitations in scripting options. I can trigger enemy reactions based on how many units are in a designated area but i cannot trigger the same action based on how many units have actually been detected in the designated area. This basically rules out the surprize and stealth factors that i badly need for my mission ideas.

What the scripting also misses is the ability to interlock bluefor and redfor triggers and events with each other. F.e. i cannot say "if redfor trigger SEND_BACK_UP = true and blue for unit xy is alife, print message "ELINT REPORT: Be adviced enemy radio traffic increased! Signal strength mostly weak.""

I also cannot make something like: "If redfor detects n bluefor units in area Obj1 and bluefor trigger JAM_REDFOR_RADIO = false set trigger SEND_BACK_UP = true" and i can't do something like: "If redfor trigger WE_ARE_COMMING = true, print message "ELINT REPORT: Enemey radio signal strengh increasing, be adviced enemy units are closing in on our position""

I also cannot make something like: "If bluefor trigger JAM_ENEMY_RADIO = true, expose bluefor unit xy position to redfor" and then do something like "If bluefor trigger JAM_ENEMY_RADIO = true, and unit xy is known to redfor, charge with redfor gunships to the last known position of bluefor unit xy and blow it up(for that matter i would like to have an option of prioritizing targets)" or alternatively create an artillary mission over the last know position of the blue for xy unit.

I think adding thouse options wouldn't be a big deal. Man i just wish SB would have a proper scripting language that you can write into text files so that you could make truly dynamic and complex AI behavior and hillarious missions(on a little side note, for my own sim i developed a scripting language that SB, flshpoint and sub command can only dream about).

Besides that SB should have an option to have neutral parties that eventually could become hostile if the player for example enters a penalty zone. This way you could define a territory of a neutral party that would become passively or actively hostile when you would cross its territory, perhaps SBP has this option already ?

BTW does SBP features civilian traffic ?

Eventhough the SB editor is the best out there i still feel it takes way to many clicks to get what i want. I feel setting all the waypoints is way to combersome and time consuming. Can't we get an option where we can define a template of settings and assign a key to it and then instead of setting the way points with the mouse button just press that key and the settings of the waypoint are set according to that template ? I am tired to click maself through all the same menus and options time and again for each and every waypoint.

Also, while at it, after the waypoint have been created, the waypoint should face the mouse cursor(that is if a tactic for it is assigned) so that you can quickely set its direction by simple moving the cursor a bit into the direction you want the position to face to without the need to click on the damn thing again and turn it around, this way you would also avoid to click on the wrong waypoint accidentally when you have several waypoints overlaping in a small area(which annois the crap out of me). With this improvements the time required to set complex paths would shrink to a fraction of what it is now.

Also does the editor have the capeability already to zoom in on the mouse cursor ? Is there a thread somewhere where improvement propositions can be submit to ?
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