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Old 11-25-11, 03:34 PM   #1
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Default Persicope issues in Silent Hunter 2

Hello all, I don't know if this was already answered or not so sry if this is like double-posting.

I am new to this forum so please excuse if I accidentally break any rules atm. I recently installed SH2 again on my computer and got it to work but i am having issues with the main game. I got Pacific Aces installed, and I am able to do pretty much anything in the game. The mouse is extremely sensitive though, don't know how to fix it atm. The issue I am having is with the periscope.

What it looks like is a tiny hole in the socket that makes it almost extremely impossible to look at anything on the surface when at surface or periscope depth. I tried a few things but none have worked. When i use to play this, the view of the periscope was so much bigger and not a tiny hole as if i was trying to look through it from like 5 ft away.

If anyone knows a fix for this and can provide one, I be much obliged.
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