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Old 11-21-11, 10:28 PM   #168
Takeda Shingen
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Originally Posted by redsocialist View Post
As I said before, to the ones living there now, not who fleed as "refuges" to the west. Even the bourgeois owned "Der Spiegal" came out with an article over 53 percent defend the legacy of the GDR.

Well accounting most of this is blown way out of proportion by western propaganda including the so called "50 million murdered", Yes. I am a Marxist-Leninist and guess what? A revolution is not a dinner party... Were there mistakes? Of course that doesn't mean repeat the same things. You ignore the account that 13% of prisoners in the gulags were political, the rest were thieves, rapists. Also during the time, the Nazis have heavily infiltrated so what was suppose to be done? Go around asking who's a nazi etc? And the kulaks? They refused to give up any land for collective farming while the masses starve? And also you can't compare death tolls of Communism, because Western Imperialism has murdered over Billions and continues to starve off 10,000,000 a year in the third world so don't even go there. Also most of what you mentioned is done by your own government and much worse, but again, don't even go there. And for the final time, why do I have to reveal this personal information? I don't. One final note, as the imperialist powers collapse from within, which is (VERY SOON), the people will start looking for desperate solutions which it's one or the other. And I think you know which one that will be.
9 million thieves and rapists? That's quite a number. It is very interesting that you hold many of the victims of the purges as selfish materialists for having the audacity to stand up for their basic human rights.

Also, I very well can compare the death tolls of Socialism (they were not, and are not Communists; we've done this dance before), as you have held the man responsible for those deaths up as the model for a new world order. Again, basic facts. And by the way, are you planning to move to a nation that enforces these ideals of state service and ownership? Maybe a North Korea? If it is such a good idea, why not put your money where your mouth is? Instead of reading the revisionist propoganda and listening to the martial music, you could experience purge-era living firsthand. See how your internet access is then.
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