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Old 11-11-11, 10:22 AM   #233
Navy Seal
Join Date: Jun 2008
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It is rather billiant. Two most obvious things I spotted were animations for diagonal movement and doors opening, quite nice.

And that menu is fine, just use the keyboard; WASD to move cursor, E selects and TAB exits. Much better than dragging a mouse around imho, saves you RSI.

Before I figured that, I had like 2 occasions where the menu closed though I didn't actually click the exit option (pretty close to it though). Pretty minor stuff.

Also, 1,3 and 4 on here are highly recommended:

Extra shadows will tax yer card a bit more though. Running high preset with 'reflect sky' on, x4 AA x16 AF, 1680x1050. Runs rather brilliantly on GTX460, didn't even bother with my usual overclock. Ultra has some weird lagging issue sometimes (#2 on that list I linked might actually fix that), but it was perfectly playable. Good engine, great performance.

* oh right: fish and dragonflies. I literally stopped and gawked for a moment. Weird no other games have really done it, so simple. And salmon (or whatever) jumping up a small waterfall, lovely.

Contritium praecedit superbia.
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