Thread: Sensors
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Old 11-09-11, 01:04 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by makman94 View Post
yes Rubini , but if we make the precise and max ranges the same value ...the randomness is not totally eliminated so it must be something else too!in sim.cfg i can see some 'detection probabilities settings' but i can't see anything like that in sensors.cfg
you think that these 'detection probabilities settings' at sim.cfg MAYBE effects all units ?? i mean both own sensors and ai ?
i think that it will help us very much to 'locate' what is cuasing this randomness(wish to be only at cfg's or dat's files) and totally eliminate it during the development of mod.after the finishing of mod we can adjust this randomness back again to our needs.

Oh...our bad english!
Makman, yes I tried to say exactly this, making both settings the same don't fix the random side (just make it small). The visual detection point is given by a formula that uses the sensors.cfg parameters (not in sim.cfg), that probably also have some random value in its formula. But I guess that we can't find it (the randomness) or only with hexhardcoded (h.sie) it perhaps could be found.
Anyway I think that its irrelevant (randomness) for what we want to fix. It will be not a problem to our tests IMO.

you mean by the ObjectsRelativeZmin and ObjectsRelativeZmax at fog distances ,right Rubini ?? or it is more than this in scene.dat ?
Yes, exactly!

@H.Sie and Rubini,

i am doing some tests ,

MAYBE ,there is the chance to avoid the hardcode way .can't say anything more yet for sure.

need to make more tests , i am having some 'good' results but need to locate either if ambientlightcolor(at envcolors during night settings--this is very 'powerfull' value that effecting the detection ranges) is responsible,either if some extreme values i am using at sensors.cfg are responsible.(light factor=500 seems to making -need to make more tests,not sure yet- completely 'blind' the crew .this is good becuase it 'shows' that factor is working but i remember that trying to reduce it to lower values like 200 or 100 the crew is starting having view again but this is getting suddenly and vampire visual is back at all its glory.maybe there is a value ,even using demicals digits, to find a factor ,something like 98,5 or 198,5 -haven't locate yet where the 'change' is happening- and manage to have a 'logical' detection range during deep night.)
i will let you know if this 'leads' to anywhere.
Crossing fingers...but can I bet 2 beers that it will not solve the problem?
Just kidding but IIRC 2 years ago I tried to mess with this and don't be able to have a good adjust of the whole thing at the end. But you knows, sometimes we try again and we achieve it!
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