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Old 10-23-11, 03:01 AM   #2393
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Hi H.sie!

In your Installation Manual you write

Append the new messages to the en_menu.txt / de_menu.txt files

However the last lines of my en_menu.txt file are the following

4812=Could not send report!

4901=Sweeping ahead!
4902=Sweeping ahead port!
4903=Sweeping ahead starboard!
4904=Sweeping abeam port!
4905=Sweeping abeam starboard!
4906=Sweeping astern!
4907=Sweeping astern port!
4908=Sweeping astern starboard!
4909=Sonar is off!
4910=Ship sinking!
4911=Ship breaking up!
4912=Nearest sound contact: %s %s! %s Bearing %03.0f! %s;type,speed,aspect,bearing,range
4913=No sound contact!
4914=No target selected!
4915=Range to target is %d!
4916=Short range!
4917=Medium range!
4918=Long range!
4919=Following contact %s! Bearing %03.0f! %s! %s; type,bearing,speed,aspect
4920=%s now on Bearing %03.0f, %s! %s; type,bearing,speed,aspect
4921=%s lost on Bearing %03.0f!; type,bearing
4922=Nearest warship sound contact: %s %s! %s Bearing %03.0f! %s;type,speed,aspect,bearing,range
4923=No warship sound contact!
4970=No officer at helms station!
4971=No officer at charts!
4972=No weapon officer at station!
4973=No radioman at station!
4974=No crew at sound station!
4975=No watch officer on bridge!
; last index is given by MaxStrings entry (at the begining of this file)
; if you add new items here, over the last entry, MaxStrings should be updated accordingly

so I think that it is necessary to insert the

between line 4812 and line 4900

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