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Old 10-22-11, 05:59 PM   #246
Ocean Warrior
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According to the update topic, they've updated the CDU in

From what I read it downloads information when you land, and resets your waypoint back to the first in the list. Great for re-fueling and rearming.

I took the A-10c up in the air after a week hiatus of FSX. I loaded up the Sitting ducks mission and was expecting some easy target practice. Lets just say the results were not as intended.

First I hit space to to turn on the clickable cockpit which fired a burst of GAU rounds. I then overflew the targets, and got hit by an AA round. I try again to turn on the clickable cockpit, and hit CTRL+C instead of ALT+C, there goes the canopy. Luckily there was a nearby friendly airport , which I quickly landed at.

Damages: Left wing tip missing, left wheel shreeded, bullet holes in body and wing, loss of CDU, and loss of canopy due to pilot error.

Thought I had pictures, but apparently I was mistaken.

What's the default screenshot button? I thought it was Print Screen, but that didn't save any screens.
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