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Old 08-15-11, 11:13 AM   #7676
Seasoned Skipper
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Location: Berlin, Germany
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Hello Silent Steel.

There is an option in the too, you could check:

################################### Radio Reports and Messages ##################################
# when a new radio contact report comes in does the TC drop back to 1?
# change below to either True or False
TC1OnNewRadioNavMapContact = False

# does TC drop back to 1 on radio message received?
# change below to either True or False
TC1OnRadioMessageReceived = True

# When a new radio contact report is received and it's range from the sub is greater than this value and TC1OnNewRadioNavMapContact is enabled then do not go to TC 1
# value is in kms (kilometers)
MaxRadioContactRange = 250

# are radio contact reports always clipped to the distance specified above? If not, then they will be subject to the distance specified above if TC1OnNewRadioNavMapContact is enabled.
# change below to either True or False
RadioContactReportsAlwaysClipped = True

# Are the contact's actual speed shown or is a relative speed shown (slow=2-6 knots, medium=7-12 knots, fast=13+ knots)?
# change below to either True or False
ShowContactsActualSpeed = False

# Are the contact's actual course shown or is a relative course shown (E,ENE,SE,S, SW, etc.)?
# change below to either True or False
ShowContactsActualCourse = False

# for radio contact reports, at what range from the sub can the watchstanders see the contact well enough to update it's course (in kms)?
# below is in kilometers
RangeStartUpdatingContacts = 8

# the language for the random radio messages in game
# Current supported languages are: English
# Note: language MUST be enclosed in quotation marks!
# RUBY 2011/01 Default = English
# DEFAULT RadioMessageLanguage = "English"
RadioMessageLanguage = "German"

This is from the from Deutschmod.


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