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Old 08-07-11, 07:22 PM   #130
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Fish In The Water View Post
Hopefully all goes well and you don't end up with too many *extra* parts...
What I'll end up with is a second, lower end, working computer that I have no use for.

Which is not so bad, I was thinking of taking it to work and using it there - where it would still be miles ahead of what I've got in my office - or selling it to the computer shop down the road. Their ad says if you have a working PC that shipped with XP on it, they'll buy it. The ad was a bit old but I was in there poking around their used parts yesterday and they were in the process of selling an XP rig to somebody, so...

Also they had quite a selection of used components and cables and just about everything you can think of - nothing I wanted right now, unfortunately, but a lot of stuff I thought was too obsolete to be of interest to anyone. Which means I may be able to go through my growing collection of leftover bits and pieces of old rigs and make a couple bucks off of them. Plus there's stuff at work that my boss keeps asking me if I want, maybe I should start saying "yes" to that question.
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