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Old 07-28-11, 06:58 AM   #207
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A report of HMS Truant on patrol in the Thyrrenian Sea*:

Difficulty 80% (External views ON and Map contacts ON)

Mods used  3
  Med Campaign 2.5 RC

From : Lt.Cdr. JapLance
Patrol 1 (June 10th 1940 - July 5th 1940)
To : 		8th Submarine Flotilla
		Report from HMS Truant
Patrol area : 	Northern Sicily & Thyrrenian Sea
Orders :	Stay in PZ for 5 days and attack enemy shipping.

Number of Warships sunk : 0
Number of Merchants sunk : 3
Total Warship tonnage : 0
Total Merchant tonnage : 16000
Torpedoes fired : 8
Torpedo impacts : 6
Torpedo misses : 2
Torpedo duds : 0
Torpedo premature explosions : 0
Gun rounds expended: 30
Patrol narrative :

10/6/40	1100 Leaving Gibraltar.

11/6/40	1715 Crossed Grenwich Meridian.

13/6/40	Closing to Sardinia. Ready to dive with any sign of enemy AC activity.

14/6/40 0500 Dived.
	0800 News said Jerries are in Paris.
	2300 Surfaced.

15/6/40	0415 Dived
	0524 Enemy AC sighted. ID'ed as Sparviero. Seen again on return trip at 0600.
	1128 Enemy AC sighted: another Sparviero.
	2100 Surfaced to recharge batteries.
	2200 News from Flotilla received: Italians have mined Sicily Strait waters.

16/6/40	0400 Dived.
	1400 Arrived at patrol zone. Intention is to patrol an area crossing the route from Napoli to Palermo.
	1945 Surfaced.

17/6/40	0415 Dived.
	0650 Aircraft spotted. 0717 spotted again in opposite course.
	0800 Asdic Operator reports Hydrophone Effect. Warship 10-15Kn. ASW behaviour. Couldn't make visual contact.
	0953 Enemy plane spotted astern. Seen again at 1030.
	2000 Surfaced to recharge batteries.

18/6/40	0400 Dived to 60ft (choppy sea).
	2000 Surfaced. Proceeded closer to Palermo area.

19/6/40	0400 Dived to 60ft.
	0724 Enemy Patrol plane sighted. Seen again at 0801.
	1627 Enemy plane spotted heading NNW.
	2337 Ship spotted on the Port bow. ID'ed as "Large old split freighter". Proceed to dive to attack.

20/6/40	0003 Fired 2 torpedoes from 1000 yards. 2 impacts at 0004. Fire astern. Lies stopped in the water.
	0016 Freighter sinks.
	0400 Dived. Partial cloud cover.
	1325 Asdic reports HE on Port quarter.
	1433 Spotted 1 small merchant through the mist. Too far away to intercept.
	2000 Surfaced.

21/6/40	0400 Dived
	0455 Plane sighted heading N. Again at 0536 on S course.
	1401 Plane spotted.
	2000 Surfaced to recharge batteries.
	2300 Dived to listen through hydrophones.

22/6/40	0100 Surfaced.
	0430 Dived.
	2030 Surfaced. Received new orders :patrol Thyrrenian Sea.

23/6/40	0230 Entered new patrol area.
	0400 Dived.
	2000 Surfaced. Heading closer to the Italian coast.

24/6/40	0400 Dived.
	2000 Surfaced. Received news of the French surrender.

25/6/40	0350 Dived
	0358 Asdic reports Merchant HE closer to the coast. Surfaced to intercept.
	0447 Visual contact: masts and funnel clearly visible over the horizon. ID'ed as Hog Island.
	0506 Dived at intercepting point.
	0529 2 torpedoes fired. 2 impacts. Ship on fire and low on the water.
	0532 Aircraft spotted. Dived to 140ft.
	0534 Heard explosion. Possible attack from aircraft or secondary explosion on ship.
	0538 Periscope depth to check ship. Clearly sinking. Plane is still around. Back to 140ft.
	0540 Asdic operator reports enemy vessel sinking. Moving to different area.
	1713 Asdic reports Merchant screws. Up to Periscope Depth.
	1820 Ship spotted at about 7000 yards ID'ed as Italian freighter.
	1823 Enemy plane spotted, but seems to follow route.
	1845 Initiating attack.
	1848 Fired 2 torpedoes at 1600 yards. MISSED (wrong speed).
	1851 Corrected speed and solution. Fired 2 torpedoes. 2 impacts. No apparent damage (no fire, no smoke).
	1854 Gun stations. Surfaced to shell stopped enemy ship. 25 shells shot. Lists to starboard.
	1915 5 more shells fired at waterline to speed things up.
	1920 Enemy ship sinks.

26/6/40	0440 Dived.
	2000 Surfaced.

27/6/40	0500 Dived. Overcast weather.
	1625 Enemy plane spotted.
	2000 Surfaced to recharge batteries.

28/6/40	0300 Received orders to return to Gibraltar. As torpedoes available, will return via the Southern Sardinian
	1736 Enemy plane spotted.
	2000 Surfaced.

29/6/40	0420 Dived.
	1120 Plane spotted.
	1325 Aircraft sighted.
	2000 Surfaced.
	2340 Arrived to Sardinian coast.

30/6/40	0030 Dived to listen.
	0130 Surfaced.
	0400 Dived. Calm seas.
	2020 Surfaced.

1/7/40	0200 Dived to listen through Hydrophones.
	0300 Surfaced.
	0440 Dived.
	0537 AC sighted.
	1117 AC Spotted.
	2000 Surfaced.

2/7/40	0420 Dived.
	1638 Plane sighted. Back at 1710.
	2000 Surfaced.

3/7/40	As Sardinia is left back, decided to make the rest of the trip on the surface at full speed.
	2000 Received the news of the attack on the French fleet in Mers-el-Kebir.

5/7/40	1225 Gibraltar on sight.
	1330 Docked next to HMS Maidstone.

Torpedo data : 	All torpedoes running hot, straight and normal. No duds.

		8 torpedoes fired, 6 impacts, 2 missed (wrong target speed).

Weather data :	Excellent sunny weather in general, except a couple of cloudy days and one overcast.

Warnings :	Italian aircraft patrols very active, but only one possible attack when second ship was sunk (not sure 

		it was an atack). Periscope Depth seems enough except possibly when enemy AC's path comes straight 	

		over the boat.

		No enemy merchants appeared to be escorted. Enemy naval activity was nil.

Gibraltar, July 8th 1940
Lt.Cdr JapLance
CO HMS Truant

* Created with SH4 Report Generator by Kim Ronhof. Unfortunately I could only use the general layout of the report, as it doesn't seem to read the saved games files correctly. Does anyone know of a newer version of this tool that works with SH4 patched to 1.5?
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