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Old 07-15-11, 10:12 AM   #2961
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Default U-111 IXB Patrol 13

14 August 1941
U-111 left Lorient for Grid DH28
U-56 returned to port after her 6th patrol having sunk a C3 cargo , well done.

28 August 1941
Grid CG97
16:23 hours Aircraft seen - crash dived
19:00 hours Surfaced
19:22 hours Aircraft seen - crash dived
20:40 hours Surfaced

30 August 1941
Grid CG94
18:07 hours Ship seen
18:09 hours Positive ID: Empire type freighter - armed - dived to PD
18:19 hours 2 x TI(bow) fired
18:20 hours Impacts
18:24 hours Ship DIW - lining up for stern shots
18:33 hours 1 TI(stern) fired
18:34 hours Impact
18:35 hours 1 TI(stern) fired
18:36 hours Impact - started reloading stern tubes
18:46 hours Tube 6 loaded - 1 TI(stern) fired
18:47 hours Impact
18:50 hours Ship sunk
18:53 hours Surfaced

02 September 1941
Grid CG94
19:53 hours Moving to intercept convoy
22:06 hours Sound contact with convoy
22:45 hours 1 TI(stern) fired - impact - Medium merchant 06 sunk
22:50 hours 1 TI(bow) fired - impact - Small merchant sunk
22:53 hours 1 TI(bow) fired - diving to 100m silent running
22:54 hours DCs exploding away
22:57 hours Depth 30m - pinging - DCs exploding no damages
22:59 hours Depth 44m - distant pinging
23:00 hours DCs exploding in medium distance
23:02 hours Depth 56m - pinging
23:04 hours DCs exploding in medium distance
23:08 hours Depth 85m - no pinging
03 September 1941
00:45 hours Surfaced
13:35 hours Moving to intercept convoy - unsuccesful

04 September 1941
Grid CG94
19:03 hours Aircaft seen medium range - engaged
19:06 hours Shot down - Kingfisher

07 September 1941
Grid CG89
22:44 hours Moving to intercept convoy
08 September 1941
00:01 hours Sound contact with convoy
01:09 hours 4 x TIs(bow) fired
01:11 hours 2 impacts - Turbine tanker sunk - impact - Ammo ship sunk
01:40 hours Depth 90m no pinging
03:48 hours Surfaced - 2 bow torpedoes left - externals not loaded yet due to weather

09 September 1941
Grid CG49
18:52 hours Ship seen
19:00 hours Positive ID: Large cargo - armed - dived to PD
19:08 hours 2 x TIs(bow) fired
19:09 hours Impacts - no damage seen
20:17 hours Surfaced - no torps left - moving close to the Spanish coast to find better weather

12 September 1941
Grid CG21
06:44 hours Ship seen - dived to PD
06:51 hours Down to 30m
11:57 hours Surfaced
12:52 hours Ship seen - dived to PD
12:55 hours 3 merchant sound contacts + 1 warship
13:27 hours Pinging - diving to 100m
13:28 hours DCs fell - no damages

13 September 1941
02:11 hours Surfaced
19:42 hours
Grid CG23
Off Vigo - nice weather - 1m/s - moving external reloads in

14 September 1941
02:18 hours Job completed - moving to hunting grounds

19 September 1941
Grid BF42
17:53 hours Ship seen
18:01 hours Positive ID: Heavy merchant 01 - armed - dived to PD
18:14 hours 1 TI(bow) fired
18:15 hours Impact - ship on fire
18:16 hours 1 TI(bow) fired
18:17 hours Impact - more fires erupted all along her hull - heavy bow - 1 TI(bow) fired
18:18 hours Impact
18:19 hours 1 TI(bow) fired - impact - ship sunk

21 September 1941
01:18 hours U-111 returned at Lorient.
39 days at sea
6 ships sunk
41265 tons
1 aircraft shot down
No damages or casualties

Patrols: 13
450 days at sea
Start: 01 August 1939
63 ships sunk (51 merchants + 12 warships 3xBBs , 2xCVs 1xAuxiliary cruiser 1xArmed merchant cruiser)
486.299 tons (290.084 merchants + 196.215 warships)
6 aircrafts shot down
Torpedoes used: TI only on impact pistols
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