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Old 07-10-11, 08:19 PM   #15
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Sailor Steve View Post
I can. I've never figured out why, but Dr. Strangelove has always put me off.
The first time I tried to watch it (years ago) I couldn't even get past the first 20 minutes or so. It just didn't work for me. I suspect it's because I was expecting it to be a comedy, or rather an entirely different kind of comedy from what it actually is.

Then it popped up on my Netflix queue because I'd gone in there at one point and added everything from the AFI "Top 100" list that I'd never seen all the way through. When I got it in the mail I kinda groaned "oh no not again" but by then I knew more about it and decided I would soldier through it if only so I could say I'd seen it and could form an opinion based on the entire movie. Well, I really enjoyed it - maybe because my expectations were completely different this time around. I've said it before but the scene where Peter Sellers as the US President has to explain to a drunken Soviet leader (via telephone) that one of our base commanders "went and did a silly thing" is worth the price of admission.

Certainly a more enjoyable experience than sitting through A Clockwork Orange again, which I saw as a teenager and which Netflix dutifully delivered when it also came to the top of my queue. I have to admit it sat here for 2 months before I could get myself up for it. Still have little use for it, oh it has its moments and I get the point but not something I ever want to sit through again.

Back on topic, I DVRed The Bedford Incident and I'm hoping I'll have time to give that a looksee sometime soon. But I still haven't watched either version of Das Boot on the new Blu-ray so I'll probably do that first.
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