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Old 06-24-11, 03:43 AM   #2
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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The men of HMS Terrific stopped in their tracks.
Out of the darkness came a figure with astonishingly good posture. And a Sturmgewehr 44 sub-machine gun.
“You are all prisoners of the Third Reich. No false moves, my comrades and I have you covered,” declared Gefreiter Tinman764. “Gemeiner Enigma, Oberon, Tyrant: check these men for weapons.”
After a thorough search, the German soldiers marched the Brits up a winding path. As the tramped uphill, an ominous, dark mass begin to take shape.
“Wha’s that then, a bloody castle?” said Seaman Vendor.

A castle indeed. It was the forlorn refuge of a mad Templar knight’s dream: massive, staring arrogantly down from a formidable system of ramparts. As they neared, a small window in the massive wooden gates opened and a man with a torch peeked through.
“Who goes there?”
“It is I, and I have some prisoners,” answered Gefreiter Tinman. “Open the door, Gemeiner AVGWarhawk, and alert the Oberst on the double.”
The wicket swung open and creaking, rusty hinges. A man with the build of an Olympic athlete stepped through, followed by another German soldier. “Prisoners? Where in God’s name did they come from?” asked Oberfeldwebel Ducimus.
“Submarine, sir,” replied Gemeiner Tyrant. “British submarine and a rather shabby one at that.”
“Why you…!” Jimbuna rushed the German private and threw a deft right cross.
“You damned English!” shouted Ducimus and he felled the sailor with the butt of his rifle. “Carry that man to the infirmary.”
“Jawol, herr Oberfeldwebel,” replied Gefreiter August. He and Oberon lifted the sailor and disappeared around the corner.
“Let’s go, and no more of that,” said Ducimus. “The Geneva Convention does not extend to this corner of the world, believe me. We could shoot you and no one would ever know.”
As they marched to the Great Hall, seaman Pioneer whispered to Task Force, “what do you suppose he meant by ‘Gen-ee-ver Convention?”
“No bloody idea, mate, he’s probably mental from being stuck in this hell-hole,” Task Force said.

They walked through the castle unto they came upon a large structure, big enough to be a barn, but with thick walls and high windows. The door opened, a Faustian figure appeared.
“Duce, send the Captain and his lieutenant in, and put the men in the stockade. Search them again, give them some water, and post two gaurds.”
“Jawol, Hauptmann Rear.”
Raptor and Mookie were led to an oak table. To the side was an impressive fireplace, blazing in the dark chamber.
“Have a seat, comrades.” A man of authority motioned them to the table. “I am the Kommandant of this pestilent rock.” He stood, clicked his heels, and bowed gracefully. “Oberst HunterIXC, at your service.”
Raptor and Mookie sat tensely.
“I have some questions for you. Questions such as, ’how did you get here?’’ And ‘were you able to get off any radio messages before you arrived?’
Raptor stiffened and began to speak…
“Ah, but I am sure I know what your answers will be. Let me assure you, I will get the answers.” He snapped his fingers and like a phantom a figure appeared from the dark. “This is Nisgeis, he is our SS liaison. He is, shall we say, a very curious man.” Hunter waved his hand. “But where are my manners, I am sure you have questions too, such as ‘where are we? And ‘why is a detachment of Germany’s finest taking abode in a castle’. I have your answers, and I can answer these questions, and other questions you never dared to ask.”
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