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Old 06-21-11, 01:06 PM   #10
Posts: n/a


I just tried to import the type IX into the game, but it is way too much work for one person, and no one really seems interested in helping. So, I am dropping my work on it.
personal speaking modding takes many hours of work, the smallest detail I find can hold things up for days, weeks even. How some the aces like Lurker and DarkWraith can dedicate so much time boggles my mind and the fine results speak for themselves, thats without all the folks working away tweaking here and there.

I thought that in SH3 people set up mod teams to achieve some of the best results, their finest hour. Maybe a new forum is needed dedicated to modding teams so folks can join a team and work together.

the type IX and XXI in SH5 would be and exciting adventure and maybe you could find help and work with others.
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