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Old 06-20-11, 11:06 AM   #69
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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Well, we can have another "werewolf" themed game, or something with a new theme, but the same basic rules and structure. The main difference is the element of the role playing. I'll let the players decide, post your preference in this thread.

Werewolf theme
A sequel to the original game, there will be a sub with a crew, and it will be in a port with a second group of players. Some people complained that the original game was too complicated, with a third group (villagers). It really does not impact the game play, just adds RP elements. But this time around, it will be two groups. I will come up with a story, and there will be triggers that the players may/can trip that could add twists. This depends largely on how much the players put into the game. The players will RP as submarine crew and shore crew.

Russian theme
I prepared a few other themes after the first WWH, this is one of them. The main difference: the minority will be the "good guys", the reformers, playing against the majority, the "bad guys", the Commies (this is all in fun, no political slants intended). With this theme, the RP will be right out of all the spy cloak and dagger movies we've seen. Here's the basics:


Welcome to the SUBSIM Communist Party

The Backstory

Winter snows fall on the onion domes around Red Square. Outside, the people are stirring and the Red Army is ready to put down any insurrections. Winds of change blow across Eastern Europe and as a loyal Party member, it is your duty to see that they don***8217;t sweep the Communists from power in Russia. If it does, you will have to work for a living and say dasvedanya to your special Party privileges; your dacha, the special shops for Party members only packed with goods from the West, your Zil and police escort. Oy, the Revolution must be defended at any cost, comrade!

And this is where we begin. You are a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. You and your fellow members are in Moscow attending the Party Congress in the Kremlin. Among you are a few determined reformers. Of course, they decline to reveal their identities. Over the coming days, your task is to organize show trials and purge them from the Party and send them to a gulag in Siberia. Class struggle has begun! No collaboration with the capitalist reformers! All power to the Soviets! And save me a seat at the Bolshoi, comrade.

The object of this game is to survive, and make sure your team survives.

Post here if you want in the game and I will add your name to the player list. If you post regularly in the GT forum, your participation is strongly encouraged, this is a good way to make forum friendships stronger. To ensure a good game, we ask that you be sure you can commit to actively playing***8212;no quitters please. Please note that you have to sign up BEFORE the game starts ***8211; once the game has begun, you cannot join. Once we have enough people (20) I will give close signups. I will create the game story thread and the game will begin.

Once I have everyone's names, I put them in a random list generator. Everyone will be assigned a team and class randomly and I will PM you with your ID. The teams and classes are listed below:

The Communist Faithful

Communist Party members - Your normal, average Red. This class receives no special powers, but they do get to vote to purge a suspected Reformer each day.

KGB - The KGB are empowered Communists. Each night, they can check ONE person's alignment, to see if they are a Communist or a Reformer.

Politburo - The Politburo are well connected Party members. Each night, they choose one Party member to protect. If that person is targeted by a Reformer, the Politburo member will protect them and the Reformer is beaten back, without the Politburo or the Party member he is protecting being exposed.

The Reformers

Reformer ***8211; During the day and in the public spotlight, the Reformer appears to be just another Communist, another faceless Soviet bureaucrat. But behind the scenes they are dynamic and driven counter-revolutionaries, bent on reforming the Soviet Union and bringing democracy, the free market, and the rule of law to Mother Russia. Each night, they choose one Party member to expose. If that person is not being protected by a Politburo, the Reformer will expose them as corrupt and have them removed from office.

Dissidents ***8211; The Dissident is a special class of Reformer. He has the unique power to contact other members and form alliances. He does this by choosing one member each night and checking his alignment, just like the KGB. If the member he chooses is fellow Reformer, I will tell him and I will also tell the person he selected. This is a powerful class, because once he and another Reformer are aware of their identities, they can form an alliance of trust. Naturally, the Dissident will share with his allied Reformers information on any member the Dissident discovers is not a Reformer.

Playing the Game

The game is divided into two segments, the Day cycle and the Night cycle. As the moderator of the game, I will post in the thread when the Day cycle starts and when the Night cycle starts. Bear in mind that your alignment, Commie or Reformer, and your class are secret. Only you know for sure who you are and what your abilities are (with the exception of KGB and Dissidents).

During the Day cycle, everyone is seen as a Communist. Seen one, seem ***8216;em all. During this time, the players may argue and debate as much as they want about who they believe is a Reformer. Bluffing, lying, and trickery is permitted. During this time, they discuss who they think may have be undermining the Party, who has not been showing the proper revolutionary zeal. Then I will call for a vote on who they wish to expel from the Party. The person who receives the most votes is purged and packed off to the gulag (that means they are out of the game).

During the Night cycle:
* the Reformers send me a PM saying who they wish to expose as a corrupt politician.
* the KGB members send me a PM saying who they wish to investigate to find out if they are a Reformer or not,
* the Politburo members send me a PM saying who they want to protect
* the Dissidents send me a PM saying who they wish to investigate.

Once all the messages are in, I put together the results and post what happened during the night. Any unprotected Communist who was exposed by a Reformer must resign in disgrace. The KGB will be private messaged the results of their search (what they do with this information is entirely up to them). The Dissidents will be PMed the results of their investigation. If they have discovered a fellow reformer, I will also tell the Reformer, they have been discovered by a Dissident. And then the Day cycle begins again, and the players must decide who they believe is a Reformer and purge them.

I will post each time the cycle changes from Day to Night, and back to Day. During the Day, the players may discuss (or argue, spazz, rant) who they want to purge. You must all vote before the specified time limit is up, and the member with the most votes is purged. I will then begin the night cycle, which works as described above.

The objective of the game is simple: If you're a loyal Communist, purge all the Reformers so your team survives. If you're a Reformer, purge and expose all the Communists so your team survives and a new day of freedom dawns on the Evil Empire.

If you choose to reveal your team alignment or class to anyone, they may or may not believe you. For example, a KGB can post, "I'm KGB. Purge this person" but who is to say if they are telling the truth. Even if someone does post their ID or PM you for an alliance or to share info, you have no way of knowing if it is true and accurate. Propaganda is rampant in the Soviet Union. Convince others to see your side. Manipulate them for your own ends. Your survival lies with your wit and powers of deduction and persuasion.
So, post here your choice: Werewolf or Communist Party.

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