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Old 06-11-11, 04:31 PM   #147
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Default Ultrapack 3 / TS3

Hi all,

Just a quick bit of information to everyone:
II./JG53 is currently recruiting Bf109 and JU88 pilots from around the globe. We are currently operating using IL2 1946 modded to the latest Ultrapack 3 release candidate (with our own enhanced AI mod since the current version uses stock AI).
We are a group that has been around flying actively since 2006 so we are no fly by night squadron, if you'll pardon the pun, and have a dedicated membership currently numbering around 40 active pilots all of various experience and knowledge, all of us share the comraderie of flying together and enjoying this simulation as a team.
We are looking for pilots from all over the globe as we have staffels to match the vast majority of time zones:
Weisse Staffel is the European staffel flying at 20:00 (London) time on both Tuesdays and Sundays.
Rote Staffel is the USA and CAN staffel flying at 20:00 (US EST) time on both Tuesdays and Sundays.
Gelbe Staffel is the Australian and New Zealand staffel flying at 20:00 (WAST) on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Our Kampf (Bomber) Staffel operates across all three time zones and is a recent addition to our group. It operates in the same missions as our main fighter staffels however the amount of interaction between fighers and bombers varies dependant on the mission briefings for each element, sometimes it is a close co-operation, other times we head in different directions to one another to complete different objectives.
This CO-Op campaign runs the length of the war, including the Spanish Civil War as we are operating over right now with each pilot persona being tracked.
Ultimately providing Cliffs of Dover is improved and becomes a stable platform we are looking to switch over, however this is quite a way off at present and even when we do switch to the new engine we will only do so when the vast majority are ready and able for it; upgrading as a team. If there are those unable to upgrade we will of course make provisions for them to continue flying with us alongside the CloD missions by opening an additional staffel flying as similar as possible campaign to our actions in CloD.
So, if flying with a friendly bunch of like minded chaps sounds like your idea of fun then feel free to check us out at
Hope to see you in the virtual skies soon!

ARMA 3 Co-Op Battalion Recruiting Worldwide
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