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Old 11-11-05, 09:03 AM   #123
Dead Mans Hand
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A book I'd like you to pick up is "Deadly Brother Hood" it gives a good impression of what other special forces think of PJ training.... heh....

Also denying American attrocities? Again do you nothing of Vietnam?? Or do you consider the napalming of small villages and exceution of "civilians" that were summarily tried as members of the VC to be ok? Also, do you consider the treatment of Somalians by our SpecOps in Mogadeshu (Pre-Blackhawk down) to be befitting?? I'm refering to terroizing the market square with low flying helecopters, in a desert that kicks up one hell of alot of dust, go figure. Further more you're denying that our forces do not colaborate and/or train as well as equip units that are known for their poor human rights records. To keep going, you deny that "we'll turn you over to country X" (when X is a non-Geneva compliant nation) is not a standard method of interigation? You also deny that our Airforce's involvement in wars of attrition, via carpet bombing, is perfectly ok.

Oh yeah - and since you've forced my hand, you're willing to state that the large amount of troops involved in the Abu Ghraib crap is a mock op, you're also going to tell me what goes on in Guentanemo is AOK, and I'm willing to bet that you'll say the ignorant treatment of Iraqi citizens that I have heard of from returning soldiers - one of which was Airforce btw - is just peachy. Only a few bad apples! Oh yeah and you're going to tell me that the gang banging that goes on at our bases to the extent where "getting rodded" is common place is alright to? You'll go even further to tell me that the AirForce isn't having problems with it's female officers being harassed and assaulted - because our troops are just so moraly ahead of everyone else. Or hey, since the only comics I read are in the news paper, you're going to tell me not to believe everything I hear from veterans and read in papers - right??

Look I love our troops, the infantry I've met are nuts. I've never found better men to drink with - but to say they are incapable of war crimes and to bull**** me that our military has a high moral standard is a waste. Maybe some will by the glorification of military, that's fine and a dandy.

*note I looked into the 10th, you picked a good unit to rep yourself with. Though, to accept you were in it, I would have to take it at face value - so since you find it impossible to do, I shall return the curtosey and assume you merely made that up, to bolster your arguement and I find the impersenation of an American soldier to be absolutely disgusting. Good day.
U-474 Die Marie
~All\'s fair in love and war~
~Nothing\'s illegal in international waters...~
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