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Old 04-15-11, 02:36 PM   #5
Argentinian Skipper
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Originally Posted by peabody View Post
If you want to add ships to an existing .mis file from RSRDC, DO NOT save it as a "Scripted Layer". Almost all .mis files in a Campaign are for creating traffic that you see/attack in the game. And almost ALL of these .mis file create the traffic using "Random Generated Groups" and if you save as a Scripted layer, it will not save the "Random Generated Groups" so you will basically erase all the 'traffic' in that .mis file.

Japlance has the best idea for beginners, save as a "Normal mission". A normal mission save EVERYTHING, normal ships, groups, random groups, land units (bases, bunkers, Airbases), minefields, sub nets and so on.

One thing you need to do to save a "Campaign" .mis as a "normal mission" is go to the menu "Mission/Parameters" and check "Ignore Player submarines". If you don't, you will get an error message that there is no Player Unit found and you will not be able to save it.

A Normal mission creates a name.mis file and a name.tsr file. In a Campaign you do not need the .tsr file, but it does not seem to cause any problems either, the game just doesn't use it. If you want, you can go into the folder and delete the tsr. It is used with "Single missions/Quick mission" and "War Patrol" (a war patrol is simply a longer "Single Mission")

To add a ship to a Campaign, the best way is to right click on the map and choose "Random Generated Group" (even if you only add one ship). Doing it this way, you can have the ship spawn several times. For example every 4 days for 3 months. To do this, create the RGG, add a ship, enter. Then right click on the RGG on the map and go to "Group Properties" and set Max groups created and "Repeat Interval" (which is in hours). You can also set the % chance that it will be created. If you want it created every time set to 100%.

If you add a ship by dragging from the list on the right and drop it on the map, it will only sail ONCE. There may be times you want to do this. For example: the Battle of Midway. This only happens once so you do not NEED to create Random Generated Groups, you can just add ships by dragging and dropping, they will sail once and be done. You can do the same thing using RGG by setting them to only spawn once but it is a little harder to control the time they actually sail.

So just to possibly clear up what I found is the difficult part for most people to understand. When you think of a "Mission" (.mis file) you think of sailing your sub from a base to perform a "mission" such as patrol, sink ships etc. ALL the files created for missions, campaigns, traffic, naval bases are ALL saved as .mis files. Even if you create a mission/layer of only land units such as placing Naval Bases on the map and nothing else and save it, it is still a .mis file. So even though placing Naval bases on a map is not a "Mission" the file is still saved as a name.mis. So ignore the .mis as meaning "mission" and things will make more sense. I only say this since you commented

So don't think of them as "missions" just think of them as adding whatever is needed to the campaign and keep in mind if you do save as a "Scripted Layer", it will not save Random Generated Groups.

Also the other "Save" options:

1 Normal mission saves everything
2. RND Layer saves only Random Generated Groups
3. Scripted layer does not save RGG.
4. Mapnotes does not work in SH4.
5. Land units save only the items under the "Land" tab. (Search Light, Bunkers, AA defence, Air bases, Naval bases.) Note: Coastal Search Light is NOT the lighthouses you see in the game.

Hope some of that makes sense.

Many thanks, and very clear your tutorial!

Only a dude: I need to change the RSRDC campaign (or TMO, or RFB...). Then, I make a new mission file with the new traffic (with RGG, etc.). Then, I save the new MIS file...overwriting some file in the Campaign folder or merging with it? (merge function, is the way in SH3 ME).

Or simply saving the new MIS with his name (ex: "newtraffic.mis"), in the Campaign folder and that is all...

In SH3 you need to merge the new MIS file with the Campaign_XXX.mis (scripted layer, for example).

The question is: there is a huge lot of MIS files in the Campaign folder of TMO-RSRDC. What is the existing MIS for add the traffic and overwrite? Or only we need to make a new MIS file (new mission), and save it in the Campaign folder? For example: I want to add traffic to San Francisco Bay (a desert in TMO/RSRDC). Need I to search some MIS existing file or only I can create a new mission with that traffic, and save as "SanFranciscoBayTraffic.mis"?

Best regards.


My subject is War, and the pity of War. The Poetry is in the pity - Wilfred Owen.
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