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Old 04-01-11, 09:39 AM   #76
Ocean Warrior
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This just requires a few lines in the randomized events folder (SH3CMRD\CFG\Randomized events)

;This file contains details of events where randomisation of values are to occur.
;The section is the name of the file containing the event, including the full path
;from the "data\" level. Prefix each section name with #: to ensure that the name
;is unique. There are two types of randomisation available:
;1. A simple randomisation where a random value is selected from a set range. Usage:
; <SectionName>|<KeyName>=<Integer or Float+precision>|<Lower>|<Upper>|<Randomise mid patrol Y/N?> for text files OR
; <Offset value>=<Integer or Float+precision>|<Lower>|<Upper>|<Randomise mid patrol Y/N?> for binary files
;2. A "ChooseFrom" randomisation where one set of values are chosen from any number of sets
; Set ChooseFrom to equal the number of different sets of data, or a higher number if you want to simulate percentage chance
; Set RndMidPat to 1 if you want randomisation to occur mid-patrol, 0 if not
; Prefix each dataset with #_
;Include ApplyToPeriod=<Start date as YYYYMMDD>|<End date as YYYYMMDD> as the first
;entry in the section to set the date range for settings to apply.
;If you are adding more malfunction or sabotage effects, please prefix the section
;name with either Mal or Sub respectively so that SH3 Commander can include or
;exclude appropriately based on user selection under SH3 Options.
;This file or entries can be deleted if feature unwanted.

and not separate files for each event.

If one uses the random folder (SH3CMDR\Random) then separate files are needed, and the process is much more complicated.
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