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Old 03-22-11, 04:50 PM   #5815
frau kaleun
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Under "Revisions to the Renown System" in the GWX manual it mentions that renown for reaching your patrol grid and staying there 24 hours as ordered has been removed from the game. (The renown for returning all the way to base never worked, so its value was also changed to '0' with no effect on gameplay.)

IIRC it also increases the renown required for some medals.

Many of the changes GWX makes to the game are there to make it more realistic, which usually means more difficult in many respects.

You can increase your starting renown by passing one of the Academy tests, the Navigation one is easy and passing it will give you a bit of a leg up where renown is concerned.

Other renown related settings can be changed by opening the basic.cfg in Notepad and editing the data there. In the lines


you can add renown rewards for reaching your grid and staying 24 hours by changing the '0' in the first two lines to whatever you like.

I checked a few of the GWX renown values for ships against the values in the stock game's data\Sea files, there doesn't appear to be any difference in the ones I looked at.

As far as not being able to find any juicy targets - that could be bad luck, but GWX does strive to be more realistic, and in RL targets (especially the juicy ones) were few and far between. Many u-boats went out on patrol and came home after several weeks without having sunk anything or even caught sight of an enemy target.

Your best bet for finding more targets is to check the pull down SH3 map when you're at the Navigation station and look at the location of the main shipping lanes. Park yourself along one of those and you'll have better luck... for early in the war I recommend the Western Approaches to England, where ships must pass either to the north or south of Ireland and then into the Irish Sea to gain access to the western UK ports. Ships must eventually pass through those waters to reach their destination, and geography becomes your ally.
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