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Old 03-15-11, 04:13 AM   #1
Samurai Navy
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Default [REL] CSP Magui Interface for SH5 V3.01

Release of the CSP Magui Interface Beta v 3.06

It is Time to Release the Next Version v 3.06

Releasedate 02.08.2014

Additional for 3.06 IO Strategic Map Mod 4_3

Additional for V 3.06 RPM Hydrophon Mod

English Menu.txt

As there are less different languages available now and for spare if some problems occur i leave the old mod Packs for downloading.

This update includes:

- Indendent Engine Controll
- Independent Dive Plane Control
- Working Stadimeter as Sexant
- New Designed Catpainspanel
- Radio Messages are saved now and can be read everytime ( Button to find in the lower Menu Bar )

- The first Useable Part of the Astronavigation Mod
- And a lot of things more.....

Please give some Feedback....

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Download Link Magui Interface V3.01

Releasedate: 23.02.2013

Downloadlink Magui Interface Patch V3.02 08.07.2013

Download Link Resolution Patch from makman

IO StrategicMap 4.3 Patch for Magui Interface 3.02

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Attention Attention

If You have completed your modsoup it is important to start the SH5Schiffe.exe in the game folder of silent hunter 5.

Because the Recognition Manual is working on xml Files the complete contant of the cfg files from the sea folder and the names.cfg from the rooster folder.

In the progamm you have to click on each button one time.

Please make that again whenever you have change the mod compilation to get every added ship from the mod althoug they wont be shown in the recognition manual.

Ass You can see in the top picture you are able to preselect the map options for the TAI MAp and the Nav Map.

The Revognition Manual and the Charts can be called out from the new Captains panel.

Click on the Captains picture on the left from the main console.

Here You are also able to set the map options for the tai map and the navigation map.

Please report any error.

Additional Mods:

- Manos Scopes Reduced Light Transmission made by Gap

Attention: This can be used by everyone who likes that but i want to point on the light filters wich will be included in the next edition so it might be too dark to use.

- Redaio_Messages_1_2_0_German_Voices made by TDW (Thanks for sharing this one)

- Alternative Marking Lines Type 1

- Alternative Marking Lines Type 2

- Alternative Binocular 1 by Testpilot(no more cross in the middle of the screen)

- Alternative Binocular 2 ( here i don't now the author.) (no more cross in the middle of the screen)

- Add on mods by TDW

For those who has Problems to reach the Gamefront Page

RPM Hydrophone for Magui Patch V3.02

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Language Packs:

- English Menu.txt by flostt

- Italian Menu.txt by gap

- Russian Menu.txt by volodya61

- Polish Menu.txt by lukasz12012

Tutorials and Mod List

Modlist by Sjizzle's

Tutorials by Sjizzle's


Here are some Changes and Additions.

Added the Minefiled Map from silentsteel and the Chrono style from naights.

The Attackdisk Front and Back Side are fully working now. The Lagewinkelscheibe bei Hitman is included and fully working, The RAOBF is integrated and fully Working.

The Attack and Obervation Scope has now the ability to swtich between 3 different Scope Filters. There is a button in the top right console, wich only appears in one of the views.

the XO Dialog is Draggable now also the the annoying Crew Image can now be dragged away if not used in uzo attack or observation scope view.

In the Tdc for UZO Attack and Observation scope are some new buttons. ONe of them is to show up the torpedo tube Panel. The other one is to show up the Stadimeter.

On the Navigation Map xou will find a new button to toggle between 3 types of map features wich will appear or not..some like view cones aso wich wil be visible or not. just play around with them. Have to work with it some time again.

The same is there for the TAI Map. The button for that is to find in the top left Console.

Some Pictures from that and a manual will be come soon.

Best Regards


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As you look at the posts about what will come in the future...we will have:
- T-Lampen Tafel made by gap.
- An Improved Fire Button looking like an Lever shown in the post before


and a lot of things more.

Best Regards




This mod has been done for the community. Everybody is allowed to use the parts and make changes to it.(Just ask and give credits) There's still a lot of work to do. In my opinion everbody is welcome having some ideas for changes and additions. But...important for me is, when somebody makes some changes, please tell me or send it to me.

I tried to keep a simple way of scripting for all those who are interessted in learning how things work and can be done in SH5. Yes, i know...there are still a lot of ways to get results. My mind is keep it simple, difficulty is coming on its own.

Here i want to say "Thank You" to all the members who gave support for realisation:

To reaper7 for his permission to use some parts and ideas out of his mod
To makman94 who allowed to use is famous work from Sh3 to be implemented to SH5.
To Stormfly to give some nice ideas what has to be done. Work will be continued.
To Josef, thebeast and all the others in this treath giving some spots and ideas.
To Testpilot
To Teacher
To Radcapricorn
Now Also in cluded the Charts generated by Sublynx. Thanks for that.
Thanks to TDW to share the Radio Message Mod wich is included
Thanks to gap for his ideas and work so far for this Interface.
Special Thanks to Silent Marshal for his idea to impement the first part of real navigation

Hope i have not forgotten anyone

In this mod included:

- skwas digital clock
- A lot of parts from the Magui Interace from makman94
- Periscope and ObsScope Mask and resolution patches from makman94

Some errors may occur while using teleporting. Just click arround the Stations. When you find yourself out of the boat press "shift+u".

If You enter the attackperiscope, obsscope or uzo the first time the scripts behind to toggle lock a target or the redlight wont switch on and off.

Updates will follow soon. There are still some things, that wont work as they should.

Last edited by DrJones; 08-03-14 at 07:25 AM.
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