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Old 02-23-11, 06:11 AM   #955
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Default XP vs Vista

Last year I picked up a copy SH5 cheaply and installed on my vista system 3Ghz. The result is a very slow and lunky experiance that never ran SH5 at it's lavish best with all feature boxes ticked, 3d clouds etc.. As a result the game was preforming bad, also looked bad,
I took the game off and shelved it.

But I had the good fortune to pick up an XP system cheaply which also runs at 3Ghz, similar graphics card and same MB, result, the game is a blistering sucess and now runs at full throttle flat out with every slider running at full and every box ticked.

Just why that is I'm not sure, maybe a 4Ghz Vista would put things right. But the systems do not compare even though they are simular in spec and even made bu the same company.

hope this helps some1, oh yes, no cdt yet, heh, sid.
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