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Old 02-21-11, 11:13 PM   #514
Electrician's Mate
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Default So far so good!

Steibler: I'm making headroads on the sound based CTD. After the last crash I played a game with no sound. Medium sized convoy, hung around, got chased, but CTD. So I decided to look at the problem differently. What all the crashes had were destroyers, DE's and merchantmen. Made the decision to take IABL Ships for NYGM 3 OUT!

Played the first game w/o IABL and no CTD.
Played the second game w/o IABL and CTD.

Played third game w/o IABL and sound...CTD. I wasn't very happy when the CTD happened, but I noticed something. My hard drive was reading and writing like crazy so I immediatley thought that maybe this CTD was memory related. Went on-line and looked for a solution. There were several mentions about the Vista OS and the names of files that could cause the hard drive to go crazy. I disabled the "Superfetch" service and increased my swap file to 1.5 times the size of my actual memory (8 gig) to 12 gig.

Played another crashes and no crazy hard drive. Next step is to play another game, but this time put IABL back in. I'm thinking that all of the new ships and higher quality graphics of these ships may have overloaded the systems capacity to process all of it and in turn CTD.

I'm feeling the swap file size increase could be pivotal on the CTD issue because my entire NYGM installation is 6.3 gigs. Will let you know how things work out in the next day or so.

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