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Old 02-14-11, 12:02 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Poacher886 View Post
I've been playing SH5 for a couple of months now, im only on my second patrol with approx 30days at sea (i play alot of real time). I've never played stock as i used TDW Mega_Mod from the off.

Something i've noticed that seems a bit odd is, i've never experienced rain or thunder and lighting, both were present in SH3-4. Im wandering if they are present in the stock game as im sure i saw a screenshot from stock with it raining?

I find it hard to imagine that someone who did such a fine job with the environmental mod did not include rain and lightning!, Nothing was more thrilling to me than making a surface attack in a lightning storm, where the convoy lit up breifly as a flash darted across the screen, and as for the rain, well as a dweller of the british isles we should be experiencing it at least 25%-30% of the time!!

does it exist?
If there is a parameter you can adjust to increase the likelyhood where is it?
And if it does'nt exist in-game, is anyone working on it??

I feel this is the biggest let-down of the general weather / environment situation with the game at present and more important that the bright clear green underwater at night scenario.

i am uising MO and i am in total germany - i had a lot of rain (with thunders), fog days, clear days etc

so maybe you are hunting in caraibe - just jocking - yes it is all time type of weather in MO.

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