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Old 02-11-11, 03:03 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Paris_England View Post
@webster -- yeah, I see your point Maybe I could have come up with a better title

@Urfisch -- Thanks.

So if possible you guys just want the crew to move about the boat doing crewish things. You don't want then for interaction or as a gameplay element (if this is possible)? Not that I can even think how that would work. Is the moral system working yet? And how about reknown? I haven't played the campaign much so I don't know whether it's easy enough to get reknown points.

Off the cuff idea -- use the chef's 'special meal' ability script in a modified manner on other crew members -- you talk with them, moral goes up in a small, small way. Maybe they tell you a bit about their background "Can't wait to get back to port and see Marge" and you can later ask them "So when did you meet Glenda" or "So when did you meet Marge" -- getting the name right increases moral, getting it wrong decreases it. In other words if you pay attention to your crew and get to know them, the happier they are.
Paris, that's just incredible!! It was rather a distant hope for me to see more crew in the boat! Way to go mate!

I recon that first priority is to implement shifts as Urfish explained, this will be already a big step forward from what we have now where some of the guys are just there to sleep in the bunks the whole war through and others are constantly there to stare at you. Crew rotation, that's first, don't want to see all the same faces in all the same places.
Second thing is to teach them to do something looking more human then they do now - if I laid in the bunk, I wouldn't be up sitting or twisting every 45 secs, I would be just sleeping (ideally with some blanket on me). If I wasn't sleeping and not on duty I would not stand upright in one place whole time, I would occasionaly walk up and down the boat or sit to chat with somebody, lay and read a book. While sitting I would not only sit like a defendant in a prisoner dock, but often inclined back and relaxed. If I am on duty - I will not be standing in one place like a statue starring at torpedoes or even sit on my bunk (bosun, torp man). When on battle station - nobody should just lay in bunks or sit there relaxed, neither should cook cook.
Third thing is to make them move around the boat - run forward and back, walk through the boat etc.
And only fourthly should they be tought to talk, allowed to have families and, god forbid, talk to the captain.
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