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Old 02-07-11, 03:54 PM   #1
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Default End of first Patrol questions


I've just made it back to Keil after my first 16day Patrol. but have a couple of issues.

The mission i selected for my first patrol was British Coastal waters, its not very well defined...for starters if you click on the little black cross on the map it outlines in red the coastal water, but is this just a rough guide or are you ment to kill inside of this arc??, but then the mission "Yellow box" where it asks you to patrol is outside of this arc and to the southwest. Are you ment to kill near this??

Either way, i sunk a few ships around the area (not inside the red arc) and my boat being in good shape decided to refit at Hegoland, then returned. After meeting an un-escorted and unarmed convoy of 8 ships quite near the patrol area i decided to unleash my torps with little success.

After realising they wee unarmed and un escorted, i surfaced the boat and went charging in with my deck gun destroying all 8 ships (seemed a bit naff if im honest) but there fault for having no protection.

Anyway with a total of 89,000tons on my first patrol and my hull down to 90% (mainly from hiting the bottom to hard and air attacks) i decided to go back to base in Keil for a polish and a chance to add a few mods.

Here's where my issues start.
Firstly, there was no obvious sign that i had completed the mission, though the Knighs cross on the map mission "Coastal waters" is now present, also, im pretty sure that below the mission box on the map there is white line that extends as you get the tonnage towards the mission end..this is full.

So as im aproaching Keil, i get an order over the radio to adjust my position to another coastal area to the north. The problem is is creates a big {!} yellow box at the top of the screen which i cant get rid off...this is seriously annoying as i play with scrolable UI thus i see a clean screen normally, but this stupid impending yellow box is now sticking in my face permently how in gods name do you get rid of it!!!???

Also, i've now arrived back at Keil and "Ended Patrol" i was expecting a fanfare and decorations / medals etc, but all thats happened is im back on the dock side as per start! i have no idea how much renown i earned of what for!, I still have this dam yellow "New mission objectives" box at the top of my screen, and talking to the harbour captin gives me the same video play back as i had at the start!!!

So how do i sign off the "Coastal waters mission" ?, do i have to go and patrol the new coastal area given to me first? and how do i get rid of this dam yellow box??

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