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Old 02-07-11, 08:04 AM   #177
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hello to all !

the name that Hans wants to announce is mine ! i told Hans that i will take care of UIIA's scopes . i will make them exactly as the real thing and at the same time will work absolutely correct . is not decided anything yet for example if player will use a formula for getting range or to built inside the game an 'aobf' tool for getting range or to keep the well known stadimeter ...all are in discuss with...Hans and with...all of you !

and at the same time i told him that i can help at AI visual sensors... a part that i had made extensine tests when i created the visual sensors for MEP.i,personally, am very satisfied (given the limitations of sh3's engine) with 'my' visual tweaks (which are based mostly on NYGM's sensors) but i would like to hear your opinions on the theme ...please,tell which visual sensors you believe are more correct and why (please,try to be as 'specific' as possible and avoid to talk 'generally' here).visual sensors is the most 'tricky' part becuase of the night 'vampire' issue . once ,visual sensors are setted or ..decided then the rest sensors i believe that must be taken directly from one supermod that you will vote (others are more light ...others are more hard).if there are indeed historically correct to the A supermod then will use these sensors . that is my thoughts on theme ...whats yours ?

also, i want to call Hitman to take part on the gui building !nothing is decided yet (even for G3F page) so will save us from a lot of effort ,as job will be divided , and also he was preparing a new look at TDC page . Hitman , what do you say ? can your TDC find its way in UIIA ?Scopes...etc will be discussed further via pms...once we decide holes diameters-fovs job is starting .Hans says that has all the info of real thing ...scopes specifications and photos with the real reticles.

thats all guys ! my thought is to give a final (ULTIMATE) 'strike' to this 'pig' called ...sh3 ! i believe that this 'pig' can (still) scream much louder than its new...'brother' but free time is not plenty anymore and progrees will not be fast(or not fast at all) if few are take part (not that we are in a ...hurry....are we?)!

well ?
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