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Old 01-31-11, 07:01 AM   #948
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Default ghost convoy


I'm sorry if this has been already reported, 60 odd pages of bug descriptions is a lot of reading.

I've just experienced another bug of this game.

1. I had a map contact for a merchant ship. I plotted its aproximate course and I intercepted it just to find out it's a convoy. Great!
Only... when I dived to periscope depth and waited (on 32x speed) for it to pass over me so I can pick the best targets, I lost contact with the convoy which was already about 5000 meters away from me. When I looked with the outside camera, there was nothing there.
So, I loaded the game again, this time I stayed on the surface (foggy night, escort wouldn't notice me) and I went straight on. When I switched to map for a few seconds I lost the convoy again. It just vanished. Maybe I lost it in the fog.
So, load the game again, charge into the convoy, dive, the last to torpedos off at a tanker, two hits. Just then, when I was watching with the outside camera if the escort's after me... the whole convoy vanished right before my eyes. -_^

What's that about? If it's not a bug... then what?
No screenshots, as before it happens you'd see a normal convoy, and after it happens it's only an empty ocean.

(25th Oct 1939, 21:40)

2. Something I experienced a bit earlier on.
I made a visual contact with a 4 ship group of destroyers actively searching for something (a sub, presumably). I dived and slowed down to minimum speed at silent running. At this point two of the destroyers went in my direction but started circling some 2 km away from me.
After a few minutes of no change I decided to crawl away east. The whole group moved east with me.
I changed course and went north, the whole group moved north with me but stayed in their positions relative to me.
When I stopped and waited, they stayed in their spots as well.
What's going on?
If they know where I am why won't they just attack me? If they don't know where I am (which they shouldn't at this distance) how are they keeping their relative positions with me. O_o
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