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Old 01-27-11, 11:53 AM   #151
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Not to be overly harsh, but if you had read the thread you would already have your answer. Those who weren't bothered by DRM in the first place certainly don't care. Those who didn't like being logged in all the time are happy that they only have to log in to play the game, and those of us who stand against it on principle will continue to do so.

The only question is, which one are you? Obviously not one who finds it not to be a problem, or you'd have been playing it already. Are you against it because of connection problems, or because being logged in all the time is a hassle? Then you should get it, because this change definitely makes it easier.

On the other hand, if you find it to be an unwarranted intrusion into your personal life, and think that having to ask permission is not only bothersome but downright evil, then you'll refuse to have anything to do with it.

But no one else can tell you how you really feel, or what you should really do. The only one who can give you that answer is yourself.
I guess my problem is I don't know which one I am any more, if that even makes sense. When the DRM first came out, I was dead set against it. But I also thought, well, if they changed it where at least a constant internet connection wasn't required, that might be ok. But then I read today that the servers were down, making people unable to play the game, which places me right back at square one.

I miss the days when PC gaming was simpler. When you didn't have to worry about issues like this. I really want the game, but I also don't want to feel like I'm giving in to Ubisoft or somehow saying their DRM is ok by buying it. I know I'm the only one that can make the decision, but I've been struggling with it for almost a year now. I'm not a very decisive person. But I also don't know if Ubisoft will ever completely remove the DRM. I mean, if you need the game launcher to start the game, and you have to login into the game launcher, can the online check-in at the start ever be truly patched out? And to people trying to play today, was the server not working a huge issue for you? Or are you able to just brush it off?
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