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Old 01-26-11, 05:53 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
Hello Mr. Smith,

You wrote:
" ... Thats the thing that got me. Oh how Id love to play Sh5, but unfortunately my computer cant handle her (I start a career and i get a FPS of like 2 when I am "waking out of my bunk" in game yup ..."

Hmm, my PC is also old in terms of the young kids, some 2 years now. Upgraded Ram to 4 Gb, and a better (though old) Nvidia 9800GT card with 1 Gb memory - the latter ones are about 50 $ or so. Sims ran better with XP though, Win7 is .. ahem .. !"§$%&/()=!!

" ... On another note, Ive noticed that the TDC seems funky, is there any way at all to maybe mod it back to SH3 style??
I want to see SH3 with GWX Support and mods, with SH3 style campaign mixed with SH5 then Id die and go to heaven

The TDC has already been modeled like it is now done for SH5, in SH3 and SH4 ! With SH4, U-boat add-on and the OMEGU mod (also called ATO for Atlantic Theatre of Operations for U-boats) you have some kind of a full-blown SH3 with slightly better graphics and full TDC function, and can go from the baltic, to Indonesia in a campaign. Or to the mediterranean, up to you. The modding is not hard if you once understand the basics with the JSGME ("Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler"), even i was able to do it

Sh5 will soon be there i think, there is already a mod that lets you play past 1943 (limit in SH5), just give it some time. Do not go to heaven too early, you might miss SH5 become the new SH3, and current high-end PCs will be much cheaper in a year -

I so hope so!! My friends build computers for decent prices even I can't get, but on another note I'd like a beastly computer for many of the graphically nice games on computer (SH5, Amnesia, Crysis 2, FSX, etc. etc.)
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