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Old 01-20-11, 02:54 AM   #7
Sailor man
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Dear Castout,
your concerns about traffic on port 1900 should be explained as follow: as soon as you start to host a game, the DirectPlay service is engaged.

It starts to enumerate the available ports to use the ones related to the specific DirectX service (as you probably know in the range 2305-2400): the enumeration use the standard UPnP-compliant NATs to open the ports at the game start, and close them at the the game close.

This should be the reason why you see the traffic on port 1900, the UPnP standard, when you start the game: it is a side effect due to the use of DirectPlay feature of DirectX.

So, not worry about that: it should be the normal behaviour of the original game, modded or not.


Last edited by sertore; 01-20-11 at 07:41 AM.
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