Originally Posted by ZeeWolf
Ok guys! and Hey morty!
I figured the "Save Keys" issue out
Saved keys are created and kept here in the following folders:
<drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\DirectX\DirectInput\User Maps
This location is standard across platforms:
<drive>:\Program Files\Common Files.
If you do not have the folders "DirectX\DirectInput\User Maps"
then do the following ;
1.)Download this file "TvT_saveKeys.7z" by clicking on this line
2.)Drag and drop the DirectX folder in your
<drive>:\Program Files\Common Files folder
3.)Now in Tvt set your new keys and see if anyfiles are created
in your new " DirectX\DirectInput\User Maps" folder
If so your good to go
if not then your keys where not saved and you OS is blocking it.
DL not workimg for saveKeys