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Old 01-09-11, 08:04 PM   #2
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Congrats, if tanking, tactics and realism is your thing, it will deliver - promised. You will be surprised how easy it is to handle - and how tactically challenging to master.

SBP-PE knows only these types of player-made content:
- missions for SP and MP
- vehicle skins
- some object skins
- sounds
- new maps

eSim does not allow vehicle and ammo design, in order to not ruin the realism of the balance and physics and to prevent the creation of what Ssnake called "Frankentanks". Mind you, most guys making the design decisions on these things are tankers themselves, so they know their stuff better than just us gamers, and can make better assessments and projections.

But skins and sounds have undergone developement by eSim several times now, and I would recommend you just wait and see and hear what you already get by default. It is impressive both in quality and ammounts. Check the screenshot thread after the resources, latest entries first. The pics cover different versions (and skins) from the past 5 years. The oldest may not be actual anymore.

For MP, you need to head over to the eSim homepage and the forum there - that is where the SBP music plays. I do not play online myself, but have read tiome and again by onliners that it is stable and a blast. If you like online play, you should definitely try it with this babe, so head over there and ask the guys for a date.

I refer to the stickied SBP reasource thread in the upper part of the thread list. You will probably get the v2.460 disc, the resources thread lists one patch available.

Plenty of missions are already included, around 400 more are available for download, but many of them have been summarised in just one download by some friendly guy, that is easy and comfortable to download and install. But before you do that, just play the included content - it already is MUCH.

And I score for just another happy convert.

Tip for beginners: after you spend the first one or two days trying all the different vehicles for curiosity what they look like, start to focus on just one tank, preferably a Leopard-2A5 or higher (they offer better situational awareness for the TC than the Abrams), and then stay with that one for a long time to come. Become familiar with it in handling and firing. After the start, larn to command your wingmen from TC, and how to manouver in formation and chnage formation on the move. Make yourself familiar with the map tool from very early on - the mission editor and the map command tool essentially are the same, if you understand the control logic and how to influence it via the map planner via conditioned routes, then you have mastered the first grades for tactical control of your formation. Choose small battles first (platton level), like they do in real life as well. Use the editor to change any missions that give you a playable tank that is not the one you have choosen to focus on at first, and make the playable tank(s) the model you have chosen.

Use the after action report (AAR) to watch your mission afterwards, switch to vehicle display and "all visible", so that you can understand why what happened.

Several different tanks and IFVs come weith their own set of tutorials, and some do the firing and ammo selection thing as well as leading and lasing very very differently from the crowd. So run those tutorials! Print the briefings.I have four Din A5-spiral binders with material about SBP. Some vehicles, the CV90 for example, have their own almost 100 page manual.

If you play huge battles (company and more), consider to give vehicles unlimited ammo. That is no cheat, but it increases realism, for this reason: no commande rin the field is expected to fight with his own tankl, hiw own platoon, and then micormanage the ammo status of 40 other vehciles on his side. The AI usually is very, very good, but like every AI, it occasionally messes things up - like firing volley after volley onto a target that is so well covered by terrain that iut simply refguses to be hit and die, and so your blue friends waste all their ammo in case that you, the ultimate master, do not realise what is going on, jump there manually, take control of the tank and deal with the situation, or you manually need to order tank fpor tank into safe positons where they can meet with the ammo trucks. That is muc h work overload, so if you play with m ore than one company, switching all ammo tu unlimited I really recommend. It adds realism by giving an effect of as if tank commanders intelligently manage their supply levels all by themselves.

In MP, that is considered a cheat, of course!

If you happen to own a HOTAS from your flight sims, use it for command mapping. Learn to shoot not only with the stick, but also with the mouse. The pros are faster and better with the mouse!

Enjoy your quest. There is plenty of rewarding challenges ahead of you. Whjat SBP gavbe to me in the combat sim department, I can only compare to the Falcon expereince. For further questions, I am here, and there is the eSim forum. Their support is world top class, members of the team are practically omnipresent.

P.S. There is a shooting test in the menu. Do it, and do it rpeatedly. The score you get detemrines the overall IQ of your AI buddies. Practice gunnery there with a Leopard model (easier than the Abrams), and try to bring your score to a 100% mark sooner or later.

Also, do not forget to make yourself familiar with fighting with damages TIS and ESM, that means no modern technogizzmos, and you estimating ranges and lead manually via the gunner'S secondary sights and the markings in it - like in WWII. Your tank will get damaged, and you will lose these sight more often than you like. To be competent in handling the auxiliary sights and shoot from there makes the difference between you living or dying a quick death. Trust me, it is essential to be competent with the GAS and turret emergency procedures! So try hard to gain that competence. It also gives you that WWII drama feeling that you guys seem to like so much.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-09-11 at 08:26 PM.
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