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Old 10-22-05, 03:49 AM   #5
Pacific Aces Dev Team
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Bounds = 0,0,181,149
ImageUV = 0,0,128,128
Bounds are the coordinates of a rectangle where the image/item is placed in the screen (At least initially, if you can drag later). In this case 0,0 is the upper left corner, while 181,149 is a point a bit right and lower of that. The rectangle those both points draw (Upper left and bottom right corners) is where the item will appear/display. Some programs like MS photo editor use also those coordinates when you use the option "select"

ImageUV is the same but referred to a file that contains the image that will be displayed in the first rectangle. You see that reference in the same block.

Take this example:

[IMAGE]--->Tells the game to put an image where it will be defined later
Image = CIC_Texture--->Name of the image to copy, the one that will be later displayed on screen. In this case, the image is in Destroyer Command\Sim\Art\Interface\CIC
ImageUse = LIGHT_MAP --->Style of use the image is give
Priority = 2--->Priority over the background image; Low priority sets the background to display over the image, high priority does the inverse
Bounds = 0,0,1024,736--->Part of the screen covered by the image (Whole screen because this image is the chart texture)
ImageUV = 0,0,256,200--->Part of the reference image (CIC_Texture) taken to be displayed in the bounds previously defined.
Transparent = FALSE--->Image is not translucent
Clickable = FALSE--->Not clickable (Clickable are dials,etc.)
Color = 255,255,255,255---->RGB channels....this one simply gives more light to alll
Filter = TRUE
ID = 5--->Do not change this, it is the reference the game engine uses to identify this item in the game.

Hope that helps
One day I will return to sea ...
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