Thread: First sim?
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Old 01-04-11, 08:20 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Gargamel View Post
Hi guys!

I love what the community has done for SH3 and it's progeny. I love the freeness of the world and the sims "realness" (I know, I know).

That said, the idea of a tank sim intrigues me. I'd like to get one that's frequently replayable, realistic, has a good campaign mode, along with single missions, and is cheap. I'm not a fan overly arcadish stuff, but that's not too big of a turn off.

Which ones would you recommend?

TBH, I havent read a lot of stuff in here (probably should have ) and have no real clue what all the different versions are. I do like the WW2 type stuff, but anything is okay too.

Maybe shoulda titled this MWM looking for tanks sim to enjoy long walks on the beach?

There is T34 vs Tiger and Steel Fury 1942 for WW2 tank sims current, I know a lot of people who still llike Panzer Elite, I have it, as well as Panzer Commander.... Panzer commander is light years ahead of PE for realism..
PE has slight better graphics, but the gunners is as fake as can be.. you can shoot a tank 900 meters away, and never have to lead off.. ther is no ballistics flight time... in Panzer Commander the gunnery is much more real, you have to lead off shot at moving targets etc..
These are older sims from,1998-1999..

the best WW2 sim now would be Steel fury 1942 for realism although with Zeewolf's $60 mod T34 vs Tiger is not too bad, but nothing like Steel Fury.. lots of mods being made for steel fury.. like most games/sims.. mods are all free, and all great

good luck
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