Thread: RAOBF
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Old 01-01-11, 02:54 AM   #16
Ocean Warrior
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Originally Posted by Trevally. View Post
Some good info - thanks all

image removed

As you can see I know the range to target is 720m
I know mastheight is 40.4
The 90deg mark shows that the mast should be 2.25 clicks not 6.75

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Ok in this one I match range to ship lenght (111m)
5.5 clicks on the bow should be 64deg AOB
Actual was 70 deg and should be 5.75 clicks.

Both pics at at 1.5 zoom.

I will read and test the link from TDW next.
How do you know the range is 720m?, anyway in the example, I notice you set the range to 7200m, not 720m

and an AOB reading of 64 instead of 70 can be described broadly as successful. Certainly good enough to shoot with.

EDIT: OK I think i understand the problem now. The point is you are using this at 1.5x, rather than 6x while this RAOBF is set naturally to 6x, therefore there needs to be a division by 4.

If you had set the range to 720m rather than 7200m, it would have shown 22 marks, not 2.2.

However you are using 1.5x instead of 6x so the number of marks needs to be divided by 4. 22/4=5.5, which is it least close to what it does show, although not perhaps close enough..

This implies that the vertical scale is half the size of the horizontal precisely for measuring range at 1.5x, while the horizontal is designed for measuring at 6x and from a position of lock onto target so only one side of the target is measured :hmm:

Seems a slightly long winded way of going about things compared to the simpler original approach of all measurements at same magnification, but i guess there's a reason for it
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Last edited by joegrundman; 01-01-11 at 03:12 AM.
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