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Old 12-28-10, 09:29 AM   #2826
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Is it just me or are the aircraft in TMO indestructible? Moments ago I was sailing south to (hopefully) take part in the Coral Sea engagement, when, around the Marshall Islands, I was attacked by an aircraft. As we know, they are disturbingly accurate with bombs (perhaps too much so) but nevertheless I chose to hold my ground, just this once, and fire on the oncoming aircraft. Fortunately for me it was an unarmed scout plane, but nevertheless it continued diving at me. So I decided to see what it would take to shoot it down. I used up all of my 900 or so rounds of AA ammunition over at least a half dozen passes and he's still in the air, unscathed. I understand the intention is to make you fear aircraft and dive away from them as a submariner would in reality, but it seems a bit hypocritical to use an absurd divergence from realism to force realistic behavior. What if I'm in shallow water and have no choice but to take my chances? Apparently I'm doomed anyway because the aircraft seemingly can't be shot down.

Is the "HP" of aircraft governed by an easily accessible file? I'm thinking I'd like to return their durability to stock levels...

Edit: It seems to be the larger planes (twin engine flying boats, for instance) that are almost indestructible. Shot down what appeared to be a cruiser-launched biplane. Also, isn't TMO supposed to reduce the amount of aircraft you deal with? Granted, I'm in the middle of a warzone that supposedly has carriers in the area, but still, having an aircraft bothering me every two hours or so is a bit much. Does RSRDC perhaps change aircraft somehow?

Last edited by EnDSchultz; 12-28-10 at 10:17 AM.
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