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Old 12-08-10, 09:21 PM   #206
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Originally Posted by Krauter View Post
Uhh.. no.. Wow. What the hell kind of things are you learning in school? Oh wait, it's just for sex and chilling out with friends, my bad. Where I'm from, schools actually teach and students aren't a bunch of little dipsh!t knowitall teens.

Companies in America owe huge debt to overseas companies in Europe and Asia,

Hollywood is Hollywood, there will never really be any huge competitor (in my eyes, someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

Universal language right now is English but in the next 10-15 years bet your ass that the majority of the population on Earth will split their languages between Mandarin or Arabic.

Politics in the States right now are laughable, indeed politics in Canada are at the same state too ..

Militarily yeah sure I see the U.S on top for the next few decades merely for its leftover prowess from the Cold War. Sorry to say it but my prediction for how the American nation will end up is in a similar state to Russia today. To me, a superpower can only remain that when it has a competitor and the resources to remain so, after said competitor is gone, things start falling apart and eventually the nation will consume itself from the inside.

Economically. Kid, really? Have you looked to the East and seen how much debt China and Japan hold out on the U.S? That, and with India and China quickly rising to be the next superpowers, I don't think that the U.S is going to be near the top of the food chain economically.

The USD is the international dollar used by the United Nations and other international organizations.